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Tire tips

It is essential to have good tires on your bike, as they can make a big difference on your riding.

- Types of flat tires

Pinch flats occur when you are riding on low pressure, and run over an obstacle. The pressure forces the tube to pinch between the rim and the tire. The only way to prevent this is to use more pressure.

Puncture flats occur when your ride over a sharp object, and it penetrates your tires. This can be prevented by using thick tires, or a tire lining. However, these will add weight.

- Tire composition

Different tires are made with different materials. Some tires use a harder compound, and these will have a longer life, but less grip. Soft tires are the opposite, they wear out faster, but grip more.

- Direction

Some tires work better on a specific direction. They are more efficient when they are installed the correct way. A marking on the tire will indicate the direction, such as an arrow.

- Width

Tires come in a range of different widths, generally from 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches, although there are thicker tires for downhill riding. Thicker tires will inevitably weight more, and have more resistance, but they are able to grip the terrain better.

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